Series of events
Set #1: Spaces
What happens when spaces for education become visible within a museum? What concepts about the museum and learning do they reflect? What opportunities for engagement do they offer visitors? How do they impact a museum’s self-image? How should these spaces be designed? Since the summer of 2017, lab.Bode had been using four former exhibition halls as spaces for museum education. The conception and design of these spaces were understood as a preliminary model that was being tested, critically examined, and altered.
Events in this series
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Past events

Tue / 30/5/2017
Developing Learning Spaces for the 21st century Art Museum: Tate Exchange
Fiona Kingsman, Tate Modern
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Tue / 13/6/2017
“Yes, sorry that is education!” Sichtbare Vermittlungsräume im Museum und ihre Auswirkung auf die pädagogische Arbeit
Henrike Plegge, Kunsthochschule Mainz, Kunstvermittlungskollektiv fort-da
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