Series of events
Set #8: Diversity
Which requirements does the cultural sector have to fulfill to meet the needs of a diverse urban society? How can diversity be institutionalized as a practice critical of discrimination? What impulses can art education provide on these questions? Three lectures presented approaches to these questions. There were also two workshops for teachers, artists, mediators and curators.
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Tue / 28/1/2020 / 6:30 pm
Diversität als Diskriminierungskritische Praxis
Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, Diversity Arts Culture
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Thu / 13/2/2020 / 3:00 pm
Rassismus- und machtkritische Perspektiven für die Kulturelle Bildung: Reflexion und Handlungsoptionen
Lucía Muriel und Tahir Della, glokal e.V.
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Thu / 19/3/2020 / 2:00 pm
POSTPONED: Dilemmata navigieren – Lernen zu Diskriminierung in heterogenen Gruppen
Vivien Laumann und Andreas Hechler, dissens - Institut für Bildung und Forschung
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Thu / 2/4/2020 / 2:00 pm
POSTPONED: Postkoloniale und rassismuskritische Perspektiven für die Kulturelle Bildung
Lucía Muriel und Tahir Della
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Tue / 3/11/2020 / 6:30 pm
Let’s talk about sex – Teaching contemporary sex education using historical objects at the British Museum
Melany Rose und Chloe Cooper, British Museum
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