Series of events
Set #9: What remains?
How can one permanently memorialise the experiences and knowledge gleaned from a project that was limited in duration? What kind of influence can projects funded by outside sources have on existing institutional structures? And how can we more durably strengthen museum education? To discuss these and further questions, we met digitally on three evenings for the ninth SET of lab.Bode.
Events in this series
Upcoming events
Past events

Wed / 17/2/2021 / 6:30 pm
Launch of lab.Bode’s Digital Resources Pool – the Digital Platform of Topics, Reflections, and Examples for Museum Education
The event will be held in German, without translation
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Thu / 18/3/2021 / 6:30 pm
Was kommt? – Perspektiven für die Vermittlungsarbeit im Museum
With Elke Kollar (Bundesverband Museumspädagogik) and David Vuillaume (Deutscher Museumsbund)
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Thu / 22/4/2021 / 6:30 pm
Was bleibt? – Ein kritisches Reflexionsgespräch zwischen den lab.Bode Initiator*innen
WithJulien Chapuis (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Heike Kropff (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) and Hortensia Völckers (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)
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