Lade ...


The integrated secondary school in Tempelhof-Schöneberg imparts common learning and the connection between education and care. The currently approx. 300 pupils are able to prepare for vocational training maturity, advanced vocational training maturity and the Mittlerer Schulabschluss at the partially integrated full-time school or, after successful completion, move on to the Gymnasiale Oberstufe. As early as 7th grade, pupils are increasingly being prepared for professional practice and are completing two to three-week internships in the 8th grade. The school participated in the Cultural Agents for Creative Schools program (“Kulturagenten für Kreative Schulen”) and was honored as a “Fairtrade School” in May 2017, integrating Global Learning and Education for Sustainable Development into the whole school life.


School Principal: Sandra Kozelnik

Responsable Teacher: Janina Hoffmann